5 ways to Simplicity

How often have we heard the virtues of Simplicity sung? The way it eases out your life. Despite all of this, it is rarely that we ever reach the hallowed halls of simplification... Here are five ways how we could at least try... 1. Quit time travelling: Ever paid attention to what exactly is running through that ever functioning mind of yours? It is forever on the high horse of travelling through our timeline. Sometimes lingering on the happenings of the past and the rest is when we keep jumping way ahead into the future. Simplicity stems from the ability of merely being in this very moment. When you know that this moment is the only moment which really matters, your turbulent mind settles down. A calm that precedes the first step on your journey towards simplicity. 2. Accept your state: Reality is the ever neglected nemesis of our mind. We add our own filters of prejudice, conceptions and inhibitions over the real hard truth. We choose to ignore the hard facts and th...