Run a race

The crowd erupts in cheers as the runner crosses the finish line. The racer none other than the flying Sikh Milkha Singh. As the movie finishes with a cliche India vs Pakistan showdown, some thoughts run the laps of my mind. A race they say is either won or lost. Each one of us runs a race. The moment you take in the first whiff of Oxygen you are pushed of into a race. Everyone has their own hurdles on the way. There has been no one till date who hasn't stumbled at least once in this race of life. While we run this race there are laps when we walk hands in hands with our fellow brethren. Some laps where we simply sprint caring not a bit for the world. Some laps where we keep looking behind or even ahead at the front runner. But rarely do we find the one runner who runs his own race. Seldom are such people found in this race track. We see many stumbling around this track of life because of their mistakes. Not an ounce of shame there. But sadly more than these man...