Jotting it up...
Been long since it felt like taking up the pen and writing it all down. The thoughts that drift by, those that strike hard, those that brush by gently. All of them summed up and concise to the point of no return. Every passing second something changes subtly or drastically in us. Some or the other change is always constantly in function. A question arises then why do we keep changing? Every moment we change Why? Perhaps its as it is supposed to be. Anyways nothing in the world is the same. Every minuscule particle in motion, changing.. But then the striking thought comes. The one that says all of it. "All that is, is said to be nothing but mere manifestation of our thought". If it is so many myriad realms of possibilities lying around. The sheer wonder of every moment comes to the fore. The word simply vanishes into thin air. Magic, fantasy, lore all seem rational and probable. Keep an eye on those dwindling thoughts. Let them out on a leash. To keep a tab on ...