A good morning

A long time since the last post. But finally a morning when one has to shed procrastination and write down something. A good morning it is when a good message or a mail brightens up your day. Its for this wonderful feeling of everything being complete one needs to strive. Its fairly easy to keep on preaching about stuff one never actually work on. But when those bookish things actually translate into our daily lives it is quite a bliss. To let go of all that's pulling you back, holding you down is not so easy at is seems. To be happy is not so complicated as it is made out to be. The algorithms people give to find bliss more often than not turn out to be half-hearted and end up being a temporary push. Agreed that at times it is this temporary push that keeps our head above the surface. But it is truly unfair on the prowess we posses deep within. The wonderful power of simply being content is sometimes taken for granted. It is rare gift at times to simply look at things as ...