Sensed : A story.

The lake lay quiet and still. The water calm. He by its edge deep in some thought. The legs of his corduroys filled up, right to the knees. The breeze swished passed his naked feet, making its presence felt. The geese were unusually quiet. He could hear the distant rustle of shrubs, swaying. Swaying in accord with the breeze. The cool breeze would gather pace once in a while, sending a shiver down his spine. Somewhere far off a murder of crows cawed their way back home. The rocky surface of the edge wasn't particularly comfortable. Yet it was worth the compromise. To sit by the edge dangling his legs over the edge. The subtle warmth of the setting sun on his face. There was some time before the annoying lady would come. Peace, yes peace was what he found here. The smell of dinner being cooked waffled in from somewhere. Perhaps the hut which stood nearby. But dinner could wait. For this was the time he cherished. A bee buzze...