The Complete Woman

Amid the latest uproar of "the documentry"(rather not name it, its banned you know) here's wishing the entire world a happy women's day. A day supposed to be a amalgam of Mother's day and the Valentine's day (that's what wiki says). Finally a time when the MBA recruits mastermind advertisements of brands and sell out to the crowd manipulating the emotional upheaval associated with this day. Take a moment to ponder over it. 8th of March made available of a celebration of womanhood. Not trying to be a chauvinist when one quotes the hype created around this day. Neither being judgmental when the so called torch bearers of woman propaganda unmute their tongues. Is this the level we shall now resort to. When every passing moment of your lives should be sprinkled in a sense of subconscious respect for the fairer sex. " A man who treats his lady like a princess is the proof that he has been raised in the arms of a queen. " This quote sum...