Musings.. :)

Isn't it a bit cruel? The truth at times seems to hit hard home. Some things are better kept untouched . But then is ignore pure bliss? The unconscious contentment that lies buried in not knowing the entire situation is quite evident. Life goes on, they say. It doesn't wait for you. To ponder and try to analyse, is perhaps a waste. If only things could be as you willed them to be. Yes, agreed that they do ultimately are as you will them to be. But then not every moment is pleasing for the heart. Somewhere your instincts tell you to stay away from going down a particular path. They try to save you, shield you from potential heartache. Sadly it's only through self-realisation that one learns. It's tough when you pour all your thoughts and emotions for a cause which shall never be. One could crib and be morose about it all the time and in the process. The world seems a bit on the dopey side, yet life goes on. These are the low times perhaps. There comes a time when o...