The Tale of The Two...

Her sight was divine. As he stood there transfixed the wind blew all around him. Tugging at his senses threatening to tear him from the pages of this dimension. The world around was all but a fickle in the dynamics of his unstable mind. The disarray in his brain was evident. 'Nervousness' should have been the least of his worries right now. How senseless the world seemed to reel and run, not coming for the subtle nuances of being stuck in a moment. Her bicycle stood tenderly propped beside her gently held. A moment where nothing matters. Moments which led to this moment were equally essential. She stood as innocent as ever. But then appearances were meant to be deceptive. It was so very easy to talk without apprehensions which such moments brought upon him. To open up to her and at times divulge more than what was meant to be. As she traced her fingers through her hair, subtly being gorgeous tucking them behind, he knew he was done in for once and for ...