React and then.. realise to respond..

Millions and then zillions of thoughts and possibilities clamour for attention in the vast expanse of what one defines as the mind. Every moment, a thought leading to another. A linked list with a blurry and faint hint of a back pointer to trace the original one. The chain expands in myriad ways and unthinkable possibilities crowd and threaten to to push you over the verge of accepted levels of sanity. Mundane conversations at times or even a tiny old nagging thought is all it takes to tick you off. The person very much responsible for the idiotic state of mind is more often than not just you. Your subconscious somewhere realises that it really isn't even a topic demanding your attention, but you give in to the indulgent pleasure of going with the flow. To remove the barriers and self imposed censors and open the dam walls of inhibition is a relief. Somehow the little thoughts and reactions to something considered important, cluster and accumu...