Aware of what you say

Every day we come across people who are a part of our life. Talking to them is a part and parcel of our lives. Mighty powerful are those often neglected words we say. The words and phrases stringed together in the thread of emotions lying underneath them. Faster than an arrow they zoom past and reach the target. If only we keep a thought on hand every time we speak. True that one ought to say whatever the heart feels. To have no inhibitions about anything and be open about what we want to say. Pause here for a while and realise that what we say matters. It matters to and affects the people around us. The ones we speak to. The one whom we don' t usually mind or consider before letting lose from our quiver of arrows. The words we say the talks we have have at times an ever lasting effect on the ones around us. To just pause a bit before we let lose. To think about what we say helps in the long run. You never know when will you ever see or me...