On living it..

Of recent a recurring thought brushes by in forms. 'The things we didn't do are more regretted than the ones we actually end up doing'. We live without a foot always in the past and one worrying about the future. And in this process forget the importance of the present tense. By far the most important gem we possess. The uncanny worries of the future and the constantly regurgitated events of the past play havoc on the board of our life throwing the pieces in disarray. It is but easy to lose oneself in the thought of how the past was. And yes the sweet events of the past brush past the gentle facade of our memories letting lose the unbidden days gone by. It is a pleasure to remain immersed in the thoughts of things that were. It allows you to be comfortably numb from the realities of the present. The other extremes where we end up is worrying about the future. The constant thoughts of how things will be and what will be the reactions of ...