The Song by the Horizon

When the silence stood staring far and wide, In the shadow of a thought held tight by my side... A quiet melody weaving its lonely way, Knowing the meanders in the path that lay... As the sun slid slowly down the sky, Splashing colours past the canvas mighty high... The birds added to the lilting notes, While the shores beckoned arriving boats... Eventide checking in its darker shrouds, Silver moon peeping from beyond the clouds... Shores on their forever game of seek, With the waves 'times brave, in others meek... Often a million eyes gazing past, Reflecting myriad dreams, that they cast... Echoes adding to the building harmony, Of memories left by the beach on days sunny... The swoosh of sands neath the bare feet, A place of love for the sky and the earth to meet... And this song sung over and over again, In days of sun, wind and the sloshing rain... Only for ears that bothered, pay heed, For every soul that stoo...