Losing the touch? are we?
The world coming closer day by day. The tremendous technological development and the breathtaking inventions in communication. Amazes a person at times. The most astounding part is the time it has taken. All of this to occur. It was something very spontaneous. Yet amidst all this we find ourselves so disconnected. From the times that once were. Do we remember the last time we weren't swiping the smart phone screen or having a clickathon at the behest of the poor mouse? When was it when it was sheer happiness to hold hands with friends 'ring-a-ring-a-roses' sing in harmony? It seems a different world when the childhood doctor with a make believe stethoscope would diagnose and prescribe a page scribbled over with childish alphabet. This was the time the most sophisticated thing to do was to drive a car on the imaginary road beneath the sofa set-cum-car. A run wouldn't tire you. Giggling and laughing out loud wasn't simply 'LOL'. 'ROFL' was yet to be coined when you actually rolled laughing madly as your friend and you had mock fights.
The neighbour's door would be forever open and you would alternate between them. It is scary when one sees kiddos hash tagging and duck facing when they should be quacking around like insane ducks. Its a change they say, you cannot avoid it. Accept it. Technology has eased your lives let it have its own set of repercussions. People ask one to live in the present and forget the bygones. But that is not the case. We have stopped thinking. At least stopped thinking about life. We haven't yet got the magnanimity of the situation. The actual situation we face is serious. For a change why not actually give the facts a straight look. Jeopardy it the word of the moment. That is what we are doing by not thinking. The days gone by have taught us many a things. These are all but mere trifles indicating a graver day lying ahead, yet to dawn.
There still is time to improve. Simple things would make major differences in our life. Chucking it away for a little while is a small step which actually changes things. Keeping the phone away from us for a while makes us feel a bit less tired or tied down. All these amenities once meant for our own ease now have become liabilities. Tying us down. Draining us. We worry when our phone battery drains too quickly. But why do we forget that it is us too that is draining faster than ever. Give ourselves some time. Away from the lethargy helps too. So think. Think a lot it isn't bad if we miss out a couple of notifications. But a couple of minutes hooked on to extreme tech is harmful after a while. Ponder...
The neighbour's door would be forever open and you would alternate between them. It is scary when one sees kiddos hash tagging and duck facing when they should be quacking around like insane ducks. Its a change they say, you cannot avoid it. Accept it. Technology has eased your lives let it have its own set of repercussions. People ask one to live in the present and forget the bygones. But that is not the case. We have stopped thinking. At least stopped thinking about life. We haven't yet got the magnanimity of the situation. The actual situation we face is serious. For a change why not actually give the facts a straight look. Jeopardy it the word of the moment. That is what we are doing by not thinking. The days gone by have taught us many a things. These are all but mere trifles indicating a graver day lying ahead, yet to dawn.
There still is time to improve. Simple things would make major differences in our life. Chucking it away for a little while is a small step which actually changes things. Keeping the phone away from us for a while makes us feel a bit less tired or tied down. All these amenities once meant for our own ease now have become liabilities. Tying us down. Draining us. We worry when our phone battery drains too quickly. But why do we forget that it is us too that is draining faster than ever. Give ourselves some time. Away from the lethargy helps too. So think. Think a lot it isn't bad if we miss out a couple of notifications. But a couple of minutes hooked on to extreme tech is harmful after a while. Ponder...
I empathise with your article in every regard,dude! The biggest problem with today's 'Gen-X' is we meet each other only 'online'! Nowhere else we endeavour to meet each other. Today's chats take place on mobiles and pcs, we never bother to personally get in touch and blabber our hearts out! But dude,how come you pen down your thoughts with such ease? I am in awe! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThank you... :).. thanks a lot infact..
Deleteand its nothing re. simply thoughts..