The penfriend - part 2
" You must be tired lets get home quickly", said Deep. As they reached Deep's place, Kaamika flashed a brilliant smile to Deep's Mom, exchanged pleasantries and went on to freshen up. " She's a nice girl" Deep's mother ridiculed Deep. Deep gave a mock frown and said, " We need to talk of that 'P.S'-". "Oh dear so she told you. We'll talk about it later." replide Deep's mother. As Kaamika descended down the steps having freshened up, Deep sensed her presence and called out, " hey come on let's go out for a walk" The afternoon sun had now toned down its intensity and was gradually moving towards the horizon. Kaamika nodded in response and though Deep couldn't see it but sensed her affirmation. Kaamika and Deep set out towards the beach that lay a mile wide off Deep's house. As they walked under the weakening sun's shroud they talked and talked, on topics however insignificant and vast ranging from their hobbies to their passions. The clouds shaded their path as Deep opened up like never before. All his hitherto unknown secrets tumbled like an uncontrolled rivulet.. Unlike with others, Deep felt so calm in Kaamika's presence. Deep pointed in the direction from where he could hear the waves crashing gently on shore. The sand under their feet felt so smooth and relaxing. The sun had almost kissed the horizon. The glow could be felt on their flushed and happy countenance. Even the Gods would have envied this one of a kind friendship.

They talked for a time which seemed to span eons. Kaamika's worries, Deep's ideas, their wishes everything spilled all around mingling and mixing like an amalgam of pure innocence and love. As the topics came closer to their hearts one could see the moist eyes glistening in the twilight. And Deep said, "How very happy I am today. How so lucky I am to have found a friend in you. If only He had given me the ability to behold you in my vision." pointing towards the encasing sky. Kaamika said, " Even I had never thought of such a wonderful person existing in this unfair world." She closed her eyes and uttered a single phrase, "O God Please.!". And there was this sudden streak across the muted sky and a blinding roar of the sea. As they both screwed their eyes to avoid the intensity. Deep opened his eyes a fraction later for the first time in his life not to darkness but vision. To be lost again in those beautiful eyes of the girl who sat beside him and had given him the most precious gift one could give the gift to see.. As they saw miracles happen. All you need a pinch of unwavering belief.. do believe for miracles do happen.... !
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