Sending out those positive vibes

The thoughts have much more credit in shaping our lives than we actually give them. In fact it is mere thoughts that define the boundaries or dissolve the boundaries of our life. The greatest the most seemingly improbable innovations have been first developed in the processor of our brain feeding the coding via thoughts. The adage "nothing is impossible" needs to be taken very seriously if we really mean to achieve anything at all in our the life. The vibrations of our thoughts are sent out in this universe (and if you mean to believe me not just one but infinitely many universes). The simple analogy to this is that. We ourselves are like an "Antenna" and transmit our thoughts feelings and emotions into space. Our frequency then gets tuned according to the nature of our thoughts (this again is relative). This frequency then decides how vivid will the circumstances be in our life.
For example many a times we get an instant hatred for any random stranger.. or on the contrary we get a feeling of intense attachment for someone. The most apt explanation for this is our thoughts and the consequent vibes we send out. I would like to put forth a quote.
" Every relation in this world is nothing but a mirror of thoughts which the two people have for one another"
Going by the above maxim, we get to know the importance of thoughts. Our mind has no capability to differentiate between good and bad. It is we ourselves who have to be conscious at three levels.
If we create check points at these three levels we Will win over the world to our side. Great men are none but the ordinary ones who knew to keep a check at these three levels. Rest assured all falls into a line automatically. The sad thing is that the vast majority does not know the importance of thoughts. In fact we don't even pay attention to what we think. We think that we are quite safe enough in the privacy of our minds (beware of telepaths :P ).. But it isn't so. Every little thought that passes by the vacant fields of our mind sows its seed. And where there is action there has to be a reaction. And hence by this law we do get a result. The only thing is that we don't have the time and patience to analyse ourselves. I have met many a proponents of YOLO "You only live once" philosophy. And it is meant to spent (rhyming isn't it :P ).
With all due respect my only answer would be for them... IF we live only once, why not live beautifully. Life is an art, enjoy it. And I do not mean, whale it away. There are means by which you can find beauty in the merest of rocks. Even the coconut palm tree.. the beauty it exudes. Like a mother it holds the coconuts close to its womb sheltering them from the sun. THis is beauty. And for me this beauty itself if is GOD..
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