By a friend: Flying on a broomstick..
"An article not by me but a very special friend.. :).. Thankyu for this.."
Come 16th May and behold! we were a witness to the most exciting and challenging Lok Sabha elections results eve. The journey had been tedious and committing for all the politicians but finally one leader, one face emerged as the leader. The whole nation was chanting "NaMo NaMo". Yes, it was Narendra Modi himself, a man who created his own identity in this family dominated world of politics, a man who won the hearts of millions in our nation and abroad to stand up as the strongest prime ministerial candidate. Was he the new Political God India had been waiting for? No, there have been better than him. But what India and it's people expect from him is nothing less than a miracle.
But my article does not focus on Modi. As the title suggests it focuses on one mysterious, spectacled man on a broomstick who tried to change the way our people think, who tried to root out all the evil from the government and its ways of working. To me he sounds like our very own version of Harry Potter , doesn't he?
Yes, its Arvind Khejriwal himself. Former civil servant and chief minister of Delhi who is now behind the bars for calling dormer NDA chief Nitin Gadkari corrupt.
His entry into politics was as bombastic as a Punjabi marriage, pompous and decorative. As he entered the world of politics, the common man sensed a revolution, a political one that too.
Our HP tried to take off and was partially successful. He got the support of the masses and was voted the chief minister of Delhi. You could find his banners and posters everywhere, in every town and city. He had suddenly emerged as the new poster boy of India. Millions of youth saw their reflection in him, that flare to change our country from it's very roots. Millions saw him as the next Prime minister. He was like a ray of light in the all enveloping darkness of our political system.
But what happened next is not hidden from anyone. He first faltered when he set up an alliance with Congress itself to form the government. The whole was gaping at their television sets on hearing this. It was like our HP was siding Voldemort. He chose to shake hands with the very people whom he was standing initially against. A few days later he resigned when his Anti-corruption plan was not supported in the Vidhan Sabha by other parties. All that he could give to Delhi in return to their faith in him was 49 days of poor governance. And poor is actually an understatement. Delhi was left an orphan again.
AAP failed to show any Positive results in the Lok Sabha elections as well , contrary to what he promised. The urban and the rural, none voted for his delusional government. Now as Shazia Ilmi and Capt. Gopichand have decided to abandon the ship, Khejriwal almost stands alone with a few supporters. The very foundation on which Khejriwal's conviction was based, now seems to be shaking.
NaMo stands tall,head held high with pride. Congress is on its back foot defending itself. But AAP is on the brink of extinction as it has lost its charm. It seems to be like any other fairy tale for the Indian voters. Shakespeare said that The world is a stage , our our Indian politics seems to be the most interesting of them all, i would say that the show must go on. We never know when a man might actually revolutionise the whole country.
written by
Mahima Rana
(the friend.. :P)
written by
Mahima Rana
(the friend.. :P)
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