
      'Are you a sapiosexual?', asks me my friend. And there I am, clean bowled. What is that? An addition to my vocab for sure. So there comes Google to the rescue. I type in and get the result. Urban dictionary pops and defines it - "One who finds the intelligence the most sexually attractive feature" A rare species I say. For a guy I am pretty sure of saying that. How so ever may a guy deny, the first thing he sees in a girl are the looks for sure. Looks do matter for a guy. The percentage weightage may vary but it exists in the first impression list.                                           
      One might warm up to a person later on because of the conversation and stuff but at first it is the looks, the personality that attracts. A game of impressions it is. Creating one and being influenced by one. But yes sapiosexualism is the word. Thoughts do make a difference. Once the initial haze of looks lifts the real thing begins. Talking, conversing makes an unprecedented difference. Thoughts can make or break a relation. The way one expresses his or her thoughts makes its own impression. I guess, a part of the never generation has moved on from being limited to good looks. Though a majority still do fall for those pouts (read duckfaces). And how terribly do they fall. A fulfilling conversation, a little talk with a smart partner beside a lake is at times much more better than a date of pretensions.
   May I take the freedom of coining a new term called intellectual silence. The silence that exists between two individuals after quite a deep conversation. The one which was full of words and meaning though seemingly calm. If this was the case people would always have chosen wisely. But sadly this isn't the case. A very rare handful go for this word and yet fewer from the guys. And I am not being a chauvinist when I say this. But lets face the facts. The persona, the smile too perhaps makes a longer impression. And it lasts at times. Quite long too. So there's hope for the intellectual. Yet lets not dampen our search for the beauty with brains


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