The Eternal Ephemerality of Moments

 The transient life that flows all around and the moments sprinkled in this montage of time make one wonder about the little joys and the tinges of sorrow tangled in this web. The timeless beauty of moments we let sink in and affect the very foundations of the lives we lead. Every one writing his or her own story flipping through the pages at a pace unknown to the writer. The words marked upon with a permanence unavoidable by the mightiest. The moments that find their niches in this tapestry laid out for one to create, have their own way of touching lives. Some find mentions, some chapters in the book of moments of others. Finding their way to their hearts and some staying beyond the short lived phases and phrases of memories. Time flows by on its own never-changing pace while one treads around collecting snapshots of frozen time. The moments that linger on the edges of the deep abyss of the mind. The moments hidden deep away in the recesses while some lost in the crowd of newer ones. They all stay, some forgotten with the passage of time while some purposely smothered beyond granite walls of ignorance. 

    The moments that add up to finally balance this ledger of life. The additions and the subtractions multiply in intensity while you try to divide the good ones from the bad. Yet you find no defined boundaries and a hazy mix at the edges where all merge. The moments which light up your face with a smile to last and the ones which for no reason moisten your eyes. The moments of solitude which have none but yourself for company, yet manage to crowd their way in the times of silence. The moments which breathe and live a life in your heart waiting to take over and hit you with a dash of nostalgia.. The moments which last a blink yet affect you forever.. These many moments treasured away in every heart.. living yet lived once..


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