
Showing posts from May, 2014


       'Are you a sapiosexual?', asks me my friend. And there I am, clean bowled. What is that? An addition to my vocab for sure. So there comes Google to the rescue. I type in and get the result. Urban dictionary pops and defines it - "One who finds the intelligence the most sexually attractive feature" A rare species I say. For a guy I am pretty sure of saying that. How so ever may a guy deny, the first thing he sees in a girl are the looks for sure. Looks do matter for a guy. The percentage weightage may vary but it exists in the first impression list.                                                   One might warm up to a person later on because of the conversation and stuff but at first it is the looks, the personality that attracts. A game of impressions it is. Creating one and being influenced by one. But yes sapiosexualism is the w...

By a friend: Flying on a broomstick..

"An article not by me but a very special friend.. :).. Thankyu for this.."                                                                                                                              Come 16th May and behold! we were a witness to the most exciting and challenging Lok Sabha elections results eve. The journey had been tedious and committing for all the politicians but finally one leader, one face emerged as the leader. The whole nation was chanting "NaMo NaMo". Yes, it was Narendra Modi himself, a man who created his own identity in this family dominated world of politics, a man who won the hearts of millions in our nation and abroad to stand up as the s...

The ABCs..

A- Able to smile more? B- Be the person you are. C- Calm always is most important. D- Dynamic is the word not static C- Carve your own niche. E- Every person is running his own race. F- Forgive, for it is for the best. G- Give time for its the most valuable thing you posses. H- Have a break once in a while, for they matter. I- Independence from stereotypes is the best form of it. J- Jokes do help, but need to be timed well. K- Kill those cynical thoughts. L- Love work and bless all. M- Motivate the ones around you whenever you can. N- Never hesitate to ask. O- Our life is quite short, be aware of this fact. P- Proving yourself to somebody isn't important all. Q- Quiet conversations with someone  are at times the best. R- Rise everyday with a huge SMILE. S- Sweet are the moments spent in solitude. T- Treat women with all the respect you can gather. U- Understanding people is tough sometimes, give 'em time. V- Vast amount of knowledge stays concealed, we...

Losing the touch? are we?

 The world coming closer day by day. The tremendous technological development and the breathtaking inventions in communication. Amazes a person at times. The most astounding part is the time it has taken. All of this to occur. It was something very spontaneous. Yet amidst all this we find ourselves so disconnected. From the times that once were. Do we remember the last time we weren't swiping the smart phone screen or having a clickathon at the behest of the poor mouse? When was it when it was sheer happiness to hold hands with friends 'ring-a-ring-a-roses' sing in harmony? It seems a different world when the childhood doctor with a make believe stethoscope would diagnose and prescribe a page scribbled over with childish alphabet. This was the time the most sophisticated thing to do was to drive a car on the imaginary road beneath the sofa set-cum-car. A run wouldn't tire you. Giggling and laughing out loud wasn't simply 'LOL'. 'ROFL' was yet to be ...

The trudge.

The sun smiles, River running miles. Drying neath the pump, And perhaps a garbage dump. The field once green, Now tends slowly to wean. The fruits lying askew, Farmer walking at first dew. The shoulders once tough, Are sore and dreary rough. The scorch will die down, A smile shall kill the frown. Days have changed,  Nights too faraway ranged. Pleas aplenty on a brow, Life flows and you simply row.

Women..? respect em

       '136 girls abducted in Nigeria by Boko Haram'. As one reads the detailed report that follows this headline one just can't help thinking. Thinking would be a real understatement of the year. Living in a century which the world calls as the most progressive one. The one where you are free to express and to think. When we the modern people talk of equality. Of having an equal leash on both the genders. To have a society where we live in unique harmony. To dream of the day when all stand shoulder to shoulder irrespective of their traits. Many a traits lead to discrimination. But the worst among them is- sex. Face it people gender. Women and men. Full of male chauvinists and feminists have bragged their way about superiority without any practical implementation. When in a fury one gets worked up and decides in the flow of things to get over the gender bias. But do we really do that. As a boy when one looks around, the severe injustice is palpable. And i am not bei...

When in annoyance

       'I am annoyed', so easily annoyed. You hear this so often nowadays. It has become so very common. Getting upset and annoyed is so very easy. All it takes is nothing but our petty brain. The time when some particular thing irritates one to the earnest. Little things end up disturbing us. Even the bird chirping or a giggling crowd, is enough to get you of your hooks. And then all we do is react. And this reaction is very often than not misinterpreted. At such times it is easy to a reaction which we might repent later on. So it is at such times that we need to ponder. To give that pause. The very pause that is required, to take a little break and stop before we react. It could easily be condensed as: 1.Some random event triggering our reaction. 2.A reaction which could be at times unexpected. 3.A later repentance.   And at the best of times it cannot be avoided. All of us know this plain fact- Its not worth it. Not worth getting worked up. Getting fru...


 Back on the internet with a proper resource this time. It seems overwhelming. Taking it all in at a time is stupendously overwhelming and that is why this post. Taking a look at twitter after a hiatus of almost a year. And here is the conclusion... I am bamboozled. Will take some time to get back into the routine. The best way for us all is to get back slowly and gradually. I can just imagine how tough should it be for our previous generation. It is stupefying. And this isn't demeaning anybody. Just the huge nature itself is tending towards scary. The real picture is so amazing in fact terrifying. Finally it will take some time. These things aside. The pace is really breathtaking. Wait for a second and you will be trampled. Thats all plain trampled nothing else. The Internet truly addicting. And this isn't some stereotype saying it. Take it in the stride and keep on moving. All you can do is this.