
Showing posts from 2016

On Patience and others

      The title could surely be misleading. It is not specifically on a particular topic. Even as I answer to the often incessantly tempting blink of the LED of a notification. It is a thought in progress. It is a thought on the remarkable pace at which we are moving ahead in life. Connected by this inseparable vestige called the Internet. At the risk of sounding an hypocrite, I wonder at how much has is penetrated our lives. The instagrams, the facebooks and whatsapps becoming so much of an integral part.It is marvelous if one ever wondered how lost we might feel without the WiFi and the data packs.     Subtly yet slowly we are now used to getting instant results. The speed at which we have our wishes, even needs fulfilled is mind boggling. This eventually has reduced the feeling of acknowledging the process. It seems a distant past well childish wonder dominated every event around us. When the smallest of things were a view to behold. Do we even realise the long process behind

The routine

       In the small town of Velpan, there wasn't much to boast about. A small town on the outskirts of a busy city, the only mode of contact with the nearby city was the train. A single train made its trip throughout the day. Sam was one of the few regulars on its trip up to the town in the morning and back down at night from work. He wondered why did he even bother to go to his wretched workplace every single day. The train just added to the monotony in his life. He wiped his brow by the cuff of his sleeve. Even this act seemed a monotony in this humid place. It had just one intermediate stop, very busy unlike Velpan where dozens of trains from all around made their way as a changing stop for the various cities around. Life was a routine for Sam, even this five minute halt, where he would run towards a secluded tea-vendor. Not because he made amazing tea, but for the one thing he always had waited for. The watered-tea was pathetic as always but it was for her he got down. Ever

5 little things that help

Different things work for different people. To help you through your day.. Here are a few ones that one could try.. 1.Plan to read and execute it: Make it a daily chore to read at least a bare minimum of two pages, may it be an article in the newspaper, or a post on the Internet. Just make sure that it is something worthwhile your time and not just a gossip column. Something which teaches you a concept unknown to you before. Even a google search on something you stumbled upon. Reading expands your knowledge base and helps you grow. 2.Set aside time to retrospect: The fine boundary that lies between over thinking and self inspection. In a world where there's hardly a moment to spare for a mundane activity, some important bonds get forgotten. One such bond is the bond you have with your own self. Set aside some time to glance over your own activities for the day. It helps in bringing the right things into focus.  3.Learn a skill: There are many websites freely available t

The Lesson taught.. A story.

       The class was boring.. The teacher had been ranting about the way the code would work. The repetition was inexplicable.. Sameer could never wrap his head around the working of loops. The minute hand seemed to have stopped... The second hand continuing its loop around the center continuously. He couldn't wait to get back to his bicycle for a ride. The bell rang, indicating the time for school to be dispersed. He scooped up his bag made way for his bicycle. The rickety old cycle which had been his trusty companion on all his adventures. Today he had decided to explore something on the outskirts of the town. The loops and iterations still bothered him as he had hardly understood the concept. But now he was free to ride on his own away from all the monotony of repetition.      It was almost evening by now. The dilapidated mansion stood, shrouded in an aura of somberness on the outskirts of the hustling city. Every evening Sameer would cycle past yet hadn't ever dared to

Her and Him..

What is it that sets her apart from the rest, From the ordinary crowd of the better ones, yet the best.. The strength to feel alive even when lost, An effort on course always for a smile at every cost.. Deeper than the beauty of the outer haze, Something more lasting and pristine holds the gaze.. No matter how tough gets the going here, Forever a source to trudge on ahead sans the fear.. In the recesses of quiet solitude lies this company, Beyond the beauty of words, the talks, serious and funny.. Unknown to the world outside exist some equations, With no solutions at hand, all it takes is buckets of patience.. Having never to explain yet knowing what to wish, Sprinkled with trust and spiced with silliness lies the dish.. To open the closed doors of the world inside for some, Without the fear of judgments, heed the silence yet to come.. You never know when it becomes a part of the daily rut, Making it tough if it ever comes to the point to make the cut..

To stay focused - 5 little ways

Every day there are mind boggling events happening around us. Right from major inventions to heinous crimes on the rise. Amidst this hullabaloo of constant out pour how do we manage to stay in a stable state. Here are a few ways which could help..  1.To have a reason worth sticking to: There is always a reason to all of our actions. The driving force which makes our daily clock tick. To have a reason which gives us a boost at times when all seems hazy and the going gets tougher. The reason plays a very important role in keep us on track. Take time and decide why you are doing a particular task. Just sticking to a task for the monotony of it is just a drain on  your resources. Identify what makes your heart skip a beat, what pumps you and makes you try to reach higher. Once you find it, nothing seems better. 2.The moments of distraction are minute yet powerful: There is always a singular moment which you can find on retrospect where things could have gone downh

"All Indians are my brothers and sisters"

    'All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters..' these words repeated with their own added modifications in our school days during the mandatory pledge at assemblies mean much more than what meets the eye. The mandates and definitions that these mere words bring along can span many a tomes of literature. 193 years ago an Indian captivated an audience consisting of people from a multitude of races and ethnicities by addressing them as 'Sisters and Brothers...' . The purity of emotions that come along with this bond is incomparable to any other. The primary reason to address our fellow countrymen as brothers and sisters was somewhere lost in translation from heart to papers and then on to the first page of every textbook printed for a school kid.    The inherent sense of affinity for the people we live with irrespective of any prejudices which history has brought along is the way ahead. Shedding aside the glasses of pre-conceived notions about the people we meet in o

The empowered Patriot

        The tricolour will fly high once again or shine in their miniature versions on the lapels of our fellow countrymen. Long years ago we truly made a tryst with destiny. And our destiny to this day awaits as a forlorn lover to make good on the word we gave it sixty nine long years ago. Every passing moment we reach out in leaps and bounds in some fields and yet take a beating in the other. Some demoralised, lose themselves to the fate of acceptance. Some react with a hatred towards the system which runs us today. Some simply don't give a damn. And amongst these many 'somes' there are the handpicked few who not just believe but dare to act in the face of adversity. The blame game stops the very moment a person charges right into the niches of action from the sidelines of mediocrity. The faith bundled with a will to make a difference in this ocean where despair reigns high and mighty. Not the unending wait for a messiah to deliver them from the blunders and conspicu

A good thought a day....

The importance of being in the company of thoughts that inspire you, keep you at peace and push you towards being a better version of you each day, can never be overestimated.. here are a few reasons to keep the good clock ticking forever.. 1.Positivity is attractive: The best asset you can own in this world is a bundle of good thoughts to carry along with you. No one likes a frown or a person with the forever cynical attitude towards life. Try this for a week and you will find people being at peace and even wanting to be in your company. 2.Its not just utopia: Contrary to a common belief that positive thoughts just add a layer of pretence over the current situation, it is only when you try things yourselves and take initiative to take charge of your live you realise the practicality of keeping a positive frame of mind. 3.A light in the dark: There are times when no one understands your situation. The times of despair when all seems lost and you are dejected to the core.

That very place..

The trees still the same stood upright,  Leaves swaying hiding nooks from plain sight.. Lush green whispering secrets to none, Calmly herding all below be it rain or the sun.. A path meanders its ways through around, Marked by footsteps etched forever safe and sound.. Generations of men come and go in their time, Leaving behind memories more than their hoarded dime.. Thoughts of worry of the future and the past, A thing to learn from the timeless odes firmly cast.. Odes of valour and the good deeds of some, Recounted to this day and for the many to come.. Chose what you do in the present with utmost care, For a moment lost is lost forever, harsh yet truly very fair.. Glimpses through the window of solitude here, Out into the world full of love and a petty kind of fear.. The fear of losing, to be overcome from within, To realise the ounce of courage that is hidden in the din.. At last to end the day with a smile on your face, Mingling with the melody o

6 reasons to help reduce worrying

In a world of forever increasing pressure. Here's six ways to handle and reduce this ever problematic anxiety. 1. Realize the waste in it:  There is no use of being worried about an event which is in the future and you have absolutely no control over. The wasted moments on thinking about what would happen in the future only come back in the future as moments of regret on having wasted time.


        It was over.. The months of a false pretense had come down crashing all around. The layer of illusion before him was ripped apart by the harsh knife of truth. It wasn't to be. The many moments which had now rolled off into the baggage of memories, still hit hard. No matter how much he tried to convince himself of the days to come, the promise they held, it wouldn't heal the wound of the one broken in the days gone by. The melancholy was tangible in the air around. If encompassed all those who tried to break this shell. The shell which he had withdrawn into.         He shouldered his rucksack and made way to the rock by the shore. It had been his place, once. Long before the messed up moods, this was his place of peace. The memories sweet were now all marred by an emotion of incompleteness. The puzzle he was solving seemingly impossible now. The missing piece he had found was lost in the crowd he had searched for. The gaping hole it left in its absence yearned for the f

Unpredictable yet...

         The innumerable people we meet in life. Some mere glances on the timeline, while some a bookmark in our book while some a splash on the canvas. Call it what you may, but the lives we touch during our time here is countless. Some way or the other we move on from one phase to the other forever changing. The childhood story of Yudhishtira and the Yaksha by the lake pops up as a distant memory with the question very clear.      "The yaksha asked the prince 'O yudhishtira what is the most wonderful thing in this universe?', The prince pondered a while and answered, 'The most wonderful thing is that man goes on with his life every moment with a presumption that he is to see the next day when he sees hundred of his fellow beings resting in peace forever every day'.Thus the yaksha was content."   This excerpt from the mythological stories found in abundance in our texts proves a point. The unpredictable nature of life is more often than not taken ei

Short take

          As the leaf gently parts its way from the branch that once held it close. The subtle crack heard only by the most patient of listeners as the leaf sways over the breeze, the breeze carrying it away, cushioning its fall towards the ground. The branch above staring in helpless agony as the leaf dwindles below from its sight. With the minutest of thuds the leaf settles down on the mud below. The wind threatening to take it further away. The sun above shines on the green of the leaf soon to fade away. The little birds hopping around chirruping their daily song fade away. Swooping downwards, the silent mourn of the branch. To let go of the leaf it once held close and dear. Forever slumped in its memory.. Gradually the leaf's no more than a smudge in the mud. Nothingness now. The branch seeing it fade away into the soil below. Clouds blow past. Seasons turn and then one day the branch feels it. The little nudge from within. A soft touch prodding. The tiniest of nodes peeki

5 things for a happier day..

   Every moment that we breathe time goes on by its flow. The river of time on its way never retracing its path. So why not live out one day at a time being the thing we can be best at. Being Happy. 1.The first thought..       The moment you wake up. The very first hours of your day make a huge difference on determining your mood and consequently your actions and reactions for the day. So chuck the smart phone lying beside your table. For a second let that impulse pass to check up whatsapp or the facebook feed. Just sit up on your bed and think of a thing that makes you happy. It could be what the day has in store for you or it could be a dinner or anything that makes you happy. This trivial step kickstarts the day with a dash of happiness and the flavour lingers on your day. 2.Move those muscles..     It takes loads of will to do this. Exercise. May seem unrelated in the context of happiness. But set aside a time for your body. For you get just one of these with no


               "Did you hear this ____ about this ___?". Fill in these blanks with any random person and any random activity. Add a pinch of salt and here is how a rumour is born. There's a source and the receiver. All of us have been at the either end of this heinous flow. Just another word passed on. At times unknowingly. We are blissfully unaware of the repercussions those words will have. There are the proponents of the ideal pathway of not caring about them. And yes for sure it is the right way out of this jumble of stories flying around you. To tune out the noise and the unwanted appendages to this already bulky bag of thoughts. But you pause and you ponder and give a thought about how you yourself can be a part of a process which may affect a person and perhaps even hurt him or her in the long run. Words posses power and you wield them to your purposes. To realise the fact that any word, any adjective however innocently may you add to a person may end up being int

The Wind - Their Story

       The day was going on at the monotonous pace as usual. The daily shifts from dawn to dusk with their fixed little moments of so rehearsed by now that it took no more of an conscious effort to even try to actually be there when he trudged on. The seconds rolled on into minutes and finally the hours ticked away on the huge wall clock that would mark his freedom for the day. The siren rang sharp and long and quenched his strained ears with the sound more pleasant than the sweetest melody. He could have broken a million records for speed as he packed up his satchel and ran towards the exit. Today would still be the same. But these were the minutes he waited for all day. The evening walk back home. The familiar breeze made all the weariness vanish in a jiffy. The wind caught its pace and blew through his set up hair messing them in the way he loved them to be.There was his corner rock awaiting him as usual. This was one routine he never detested. The wind was playing its own game of

On living it..

          Of recent a recurring thought brushes by in forms. 'The things we didn't do are more regretted than the ones we actually end up doing'. We live without a foot always in the past and one worrying about the future. And in this process forget the importance of the present tense. By far the most important gem we possess. The uncanny worries of the future and the constantly regurgitated events of the past play havoc on the board of our life throwing the pieces in disarray. It is but easy to lose oneself in the thought of how the past was. And yes the sweet events of the past brush past the gentle facade of our memories letting lose the unbidden days gone by. It is a pleasure to remain immersed in the thoughts of things that were. It allows you to be comfortably numb from the realities of the present. The other extremes where we end up is worrying about the future. The constant thoughts of how things will be and what will be the reactions of every minutest decisions. I

Concise Musings

    A series of thoughts after one amazing discussion. To learn how to accept things as they are and then build upon the your own masterpiece. The myriad events that unfold around us profoundly affect our thoughts and reactions. Even the slightest of images that fly by our eyes affect our thought process and trigger our responses. A while ago a researcher proved that any suggestions even in the form of words can evoke physical responses from us towards them, even to the extent of having a life like reaction to simulated environments. This just adds to the fact that how important is the input we provide to ourselves. An analogy can be drawn to our self being a machine where we take care of it and provide it with input and hence get corresponding outputs. This simple equation underlines the importance of the things we watch, the books we read and the songs we hear. The littlest of things influence us and go a long way in paving the path we tread upon. So yes just a thought to ponder ove

Aware of what you say

  Every day we come across people who are a part of our life. Talking to them is a part and parcel of our lives. Mighty powerful are those often neglected words we say. The words and phrases stringed together in the thread of emotions lying underneath them. Faster than an arrow they zoom past and reach the target. If only we keep a thought on hand every time we speak. True that one ought to say whatever the heart feels. To have no inhibitions about anything and be open about what we want to say. Pause here for a while and realise that what we say matters.       It matters to and affects the people around us. The ones we speak to. The one whom we don' t usually mind or consider before letting lose from our quiver of arrows. The words we say the talks we have have at times an ever lasting effect on the ones around us. To just pause a bit before we let lose. To think about what we say helps in the long run. You never know when will you ever see or meet the person you are talking

When in doubt..

            There come times in life when we feel surrounded by the worst of adversities and nothing ever goes right. Every action of ours seems misinterpreted and always results in some disasters. The worst of feelings when the world seems so unfair and all we do just seems to go wrong. These days test us and the strength of our character. The true power which comes from a single source called 'faith'. The only remedy to the monster we created in the expanse of our mind 'self-doubt'. When you feel like no one can understand what you are going through and do not feel like interacting with the human world. Even the ones who care and the ones who matter seem insignificant and just another unbalanced variable in the already messed up equation of life. Why is that all we do ends up in shambles. Is it that we don't deserve to succeed? Is it that we are just not up to the mark that we always thought we were at. The self imposed critical thought that immersing in some act

The Shoulder.. A story

                          The boy to his place by the window of the kindergarten classroom as usual, waiting for him to come. Today was the parent- teacher's meet. All had arrived by now in tow with their parents. The teacher called out his name but he could have hardly heard. The boy's eyes word transfixed at the school gate which was the only thing which he could see through the window. His father would come today. He knew, at least today, he had to. His dad had promised him that he would come this time. The meet had started. In the background make out the sounds of his friends chirping loudly around the parents. Showing them the handcrafted little project they had made overtime. A single tear drop rolled past his chubby cheeks to wet the paper he clutched. He was going to give it to his dad. A picture of them standing by the crooked little red house while the almost circular sun smiled over them. The parents were now talking with his teacher turn by turn while the teacher

The Chase.. A story..

  The chase was on. He was on the run for the last two days. Continuously on his way further from his pursuers. He had barely managed to give them a miss. Two days without a respite. The running was never an issue. He had run from the things in life for ever. The targets leading to the next in line. The chase was taking a toll on him mentally. He could hear their cries strangely distant, beseeching him to stop, to return. No he wouldn't now. He was finally free from them. They didn't matter. He kept running tirelessly yet could hardly seem to get anywhere. It felt he was simply circling the same area over and again. It was an endless loop and yet the pursuers seemed close enough.     They had always missed him by a flicker. He ran till his legs could carry. And that was a surprise for he wasn't tired. Nor was he hungry. Hunger, sleep all had vanished in the shadow of fear. It was the fear of getting caught that was keeping him going. The cries of the pursuers were beco

The Eternal Ephemerality of Moments

 The transient life that flows all around and the moments sprinkled in this montage of time make one wonder about the little joys and the tinges of sorrow tangled in this web. The timeless beauty of moments we let sink in and affect the very foundations of the lives we lead. Every one writing his or her own story flipping through the pages at a pace unknown to the writer. The words marked upon with a permanence unavoidable by the mightiest. The moments that find their niches in this tapestry laid out for one to create, have their own way of touching lives. Some find mentions, some chapters in the book of moments of others. Finding their way to their hearts and some staying beyond the short lived phases and phrases of memories. Time flows by on its own never-changing pace while one treads around collecting snapshots of frozen time. The moments that linger on the edges of the deep abyss of the mind. The moments hidden deep away in the recesses while some lost in the crowd of newer ones.

The moment...

                       "She stood there.. As gorgeous as ever.. The wind as flirtatious as ever, tickled Her locks.. Up above the stars searched far and wide for the moon.. If only they knew.. The moon was engrossed.. hiding behind the veil of clouds.. Gazing at her.. Shinning a silent shimmer on her facade.. Enchanted by the perfection of her eyes, her lips, the lazy strands rustling in discordant harmony.. The moon in love of the sight it beheld from the heavens.. Thinking of the angels who would hardly stand a chance.. She belonged here in the paradise, the city of perfections... Yet something was amiss.. The curve of her lips turned the other way.. As if waiting.. for her own reason to smile..Missing something... Missing someone...... There He was... Walking towards her.. The moon felt a pang of jealousy.. For her face lit up with the smile it was waiting for... And that moment the moon knew.. She was taken... Taken far away from this moment to a moment beyond the boundary o